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Traffic Safety Unit

The Deptford Township Traffic Safety Unit consists of experienced patrol officers who
have advanced training in crash investigation, Driving While Intoxicated detection and
prosecution, radar enforcement, traffic safety education, traffic engineering, and traffic
work zone safety.

The Traffic Safety Officers have completed some of the most advanced traffic crash investigation
courses including Crash Reconstruction. Traffic Safety Officers are on call to respond to
serious motor vehicle crashes that involve death or the possibility of death. These
officers are equipped with specific crash investigation tools including laser measuring
devices, crash data retrieval systems, digital video cameras, and computer diagramming

The Traffic Safety Unit is responsible for the following: Investigate motor vehicle
crashes, speeding complaints, parking complaints, abandoned vehicle complaints,
deployment of speed trailers and message boards, conducting radar posts, enforcement of title 39
motor vehicle infractions, and oversight of the Deptford Township Crossing Guards.
The goal of the Deptford Township Traffic Safety Unit is to ensure that the Deptford Township's
Roadways are safe, and to to prevent motor vehicle crashes.

Traffic Complaint and Speeding Investigation Program

Motorists should contact 9-1-1 for vehicles that are driving erratically or in any manner
as to endanger the public. However, residents who suspect their street is prone to
vehicles routinely driving above the speed limit or in an aggressive manner should
request a speeding investigation.

Online Speeding Complaint

Specifically, this speed complaint system consists of:

1. Reporting the initial motor vehicle complaint to our traffic safety unit and/or
completing the Deptford Township service request form.

2. Deployment of a traffic data recorder to the area being investigated. This is
the first step in the speeding investigation. The data collected from the
Roadway is stored electronically and often reviewed as additional complaints
are received.

3. Deployment of a radar equipped variable message board. This board
measures the speed of oncoming vehicles and displays a clear message that
the motorist is exceeding the speed limit.

4. A Safety Area Review. This consists of a trained Traffic Officer reviewing the
affected area to determine if additional signage is needed, the current
signage is adequate or in need of repair, or if specific engineering measures are

5. A Crash History Review. The crash files for the affected area are reviewed to
determine if the complaint received correlates to the past history of crashes.

6. A Street File Review. The history of the street is reviewed which includes past
enforcement action, past complaints, and past engineering issues.

7. Each step of the Traffic Complaint Investigation Program is carefully reviewed
to determine if deploying officers for traffic law enforcement and radar
enforcement will assist in the resolution of the complaint. If a determination
is made to deploy officers for enforcement, the officers are specifically
assigned to the affected area with efforts being monitored to determine if
additional resources may be needed. This data collection allows officers to be
deployed to those areas where speeding is actually occurring based on actual
data collection.

Sergeant Michael Riggs, Supervisor
Phone: (856) 686-2204 Ext. 5224

Corporal William Rosati
Phone: (856) 686-2204 Ext. 5225

Corporal Michael Brazelton
Phone: (856)686-2204 Ext.  5195

Corporal Christopher Troughton
Phone: (856)686-2204 Ext.  5246