Mayor Paul Medany’s Monthly Message - September 2020
It is September, 2020. It has been an interesting and challenging summer. We are slowly getting back to our routines and the world has certainly changed. School openings are extremely difficult for many families. Numerous industries and the jobs they create are still struggling. Covid19 is still with us.
Keep in mind everything we write and put out is subject to change almost daily. We have made it this far, we will continue to figure our way out of this.
Deptford Township Council has been hard at work throughout the summer. We are doing everything we can to keep our employees and residents safe and healthy by creating protocols to follow. The township building is open and we ask you must wear a face-covering in the building. We have installed barriers at every desk to protect you and our employees. The building is undergoing major renovations so if you visit you will see construction moving forward.
Let’s take a look at the positives. On the business front, as we write this, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters are all opening up in restricted capacities. The Deptford Mall is open and the anchor stores are open. There are several new businesses coming to the Deptford Mall. Dicks Sporting Goods is now open as one of the new mall Anchors. Round One entertainment will open in October with an arcade, bowling, billiards and also food and beverages.
Please shop and dine locally. Use our restaurants for take-outs. They are open for outside and inside dining with restrictions. They can use our support.
Municipal projects are moving forward all to improve our community. Road repaving, playground renovations, building renovations, park improvements are all to enhance our community. Your municipal finances are holding stable due to the foresight of Township Council. We develop our budgets keeping in mind unforeseen circumstances can arise and this was certainly one of them.
Our newsletter just arrived in mailboxes, it was late getting here but please look through it for useful information about our community. Communication is the most important tool your elected leaders have and we pride ourselves on getting information out to you on all local issues.
Keep wearing your face coverings, stay physically apart, wash your hands, use hand sanitizers and make sure to cough in your sleeve. All of these tasks are keeping the disease from spreading. Here in Deptford you all have done a fantastic job of stopping the spread and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
We hope to see you soon. Even though events have been canceled, we will start them up as soon as its safe by following the CDC guidelines. Be well, be safe, stay healthy and keep up the great work.