Happy First Day of Spring!
As we await our fourth storm in recent weeks, we are asking residents to follow our snow parking protocol. Keep vehicles off the street so plows can properly clear the roadway. This is a Township Ordinance and is a public safety issue. We know not everyone has a driveway, but we ask to help with this the best you can.
Deptford has one of the best equipped snow removal operations in the area with over 33 vehicles able to remove snow. Priorities are getting roads passable for emergency vehicles. Every neighborhood is assigned to a crew. Snow will be pushed across your driveway, it is impossible for a plow truck driver to avoid this! It is a function of pushing snow off the roadways.
Be prepared for power outages. Keep flashlights and water available. Keep an eye on our elderly neighbors. This will be a heavy wet snow and branches and trees could come down. Be prepared, be careful shoveling, stay hydrated. Temperatures will moderate hopefully by Thursday and the melting process will begin.
Happy First Day of Spring, warmer weather is in the future!