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Deptford Notices

4/25/2012 - Notice for the Solicitation of Qualifications for Professional Services - Licensed Site Remdiation Professional (LSRP)

Request for Qualifications


The following procedures are designed to provide for a fair and open process in awarding professional services based on qualifications, merit and cost effectiveness through accessible advertising.

Scope of Services:


Any persons or firms interested in providing professional services to the Township of Deptford as defined in the New Jersey Statutes, NJSA 40A:11-2(6).

1) Appointment of LSRP. There shall be a Township LSRP who shall be appointed by the Manager and shall be under a contract for services to be performed with the Township. In lieu of appointing an individual, the Manager may appoint a firm. The member of the firm acting as Township LSRP shall be a licensed site remediation professional in the State of New Jersey. The Township LSRP shall receive such compensation as may be agreed upon and determined by the Council.

2) Duties. The Township LSRP shall perform such duties as are prescribed by general law, ordinance, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Licensed Site Remediation Program, and in addition shall be subject to approval by a majority of Township Council or the Manager.

A. Oversee the remediation of municipal contaminated sites in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s applicable standards and regulations for responsible parties.

B. Provide technical advice and assistance to other Township departments as needed.

C. Maintain all papers, documents, memoranda, reports and other materials relating to the administration of the duties of the Township LSRP within the property of the Township. Upon the termination of his services with the Township, the Township LSRP shall forthwith surrender to the Township all such property.

D. Attend Township meetings as requested by the Manager, and/or Township Council.

E. When directed by the Manager, the LSRP shall provide the services necessary to prepare and provide detailed reports and studies requested by the Manager regarding the remediation of municipal contaminated sites.

3) Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Proceedings. When directed by the Manager or when subpoenaed in connection with Municipal business to appear and testify at a deposition in judicial or quasi-judicial hearings, the Township LSRP shall provide the services necessary to prepare for the deposition or hearing and shall provide testimony as required.

4) Residence. The Township LSRP need not be a resident of Deptford Township.

Applicants’/Proposers’ Responsibility in Responding to
Township’s Request For Qualifications

The applicant/proposer shall in response to the Township’s RFQ, at a minimum, include the following information:

A. Qualification requirements to compete for the needed service or activity as set forth in the “duties and responsibilities” of the position defined in the Township’s RFQ. Qualifications, at a minimum, shall include requirements defined as follows:

1. Full name and business address.

2. Listing of all post high school education of the applicant and/or members of a professional firm seeking to provide professional services as described within the body of the RFQ.

3. Dates of LSRP licensure in the State of New Jersey and any other state.

4. A listing of any professional affiliations or membership in any professional societies or organizations, with an indication as to any offices held.

5. The number of licensed site remediation professionals employed if a professional firm) and/or affiliated with the professional entity seeking to provide services to the Township. A description of each individual’s qualifications, including education, Licensure and years of professional experience.

6. A listing of all previous Public Sector entities served by the applicant/proposed licensed site remediation professional including dates of service and position(s) held.

7. Proposed cost of the service(s) or activities, including the hourly rate of individuals who will perform the services or activities. The proposed cost should include:

a. Meetings.
b. Site visits and expenses
c. Expenses for travel, postage and telephone excluded from the hourly rate.
d. Additional services defined beyond the scope of regular services.

8. Insurance. The applicant/proposer, as a member of a profession which is subject to suit for professional malpractice, shall provide documentation that insurance for professional liability/malpractice coverage with limits as to liability acceptable to the Township of Deptford.

9. Financial Disclosure. The applicant/proposer as a “professional”, if required by law, shall file a Financial Disclosure Statement pursuant to a Local Government Ethnics Law NJSA 40A:9-22(1) et.seq.

10. 10. Law Against Discrimination and Affirmative Action. The applicant/proposer as a “professional” shall file a statement as to compliance with NJSA 10:5-1 et. Seq.

B. The applicant/proposer shall submit three (3) copies of his/her proposal for review and consideration by the Township Manager and Township Council. RFQ’s are to be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the Township Clerk’s office no later than May 4th 2012 at 10:00AM.

Basis for Award of Contract/Agreement for Professional Services

The Township shall award all professional service contracts or agreements based on qualification, merit and cost competitiveness. Selection criteria will include:

1. Qualifications of the individual or firms who will perform the service or activity.

2. Experience and references.

3. Ability to perform the service or activity in a timely fashion, including staffing and the staff’s familiarity of the service or activity.

4. Cost Competitiveness.

5. The Township reserves the right to conduct an interview or interviews with the prospective professional to discuss the scope of the professional services as outlined in the applicant’s/proposer’s proposal.

6. All awards or waivers will be by resolution acted on by the Township Council at a Township meeting.

7. For annual appointments, the Township Council, Township Manager and
Administrative staff will conduct a performance review a minimum of once per year in late November, early December.

8. All awards are subject to availability of funds.

9. This policy will include, but not be limited to, all of the above listed requirements.