The region is under a winter storm warning. As we prepare for this upcoming storm remember we need your cooperation. Public Works started applying brine to local roads today. Brine and salting operations will begin as conditions warrant. Brining and salting prepares the roadway for plowing. You must keep all vehicles off the roadway so that township crews can plow effectively. This is a Township Ordinance. We have over 36 pieces of equipment capable of plowing. Your street will be plowed.
Remember to help your elderly neighbors if possible. If your power goes out you must call PSEG or Atlantic City yourself, do not assume they know your power is out. Look at our snow removal plan on the website for more instructions. We are ready, make sure you are too!
PSEG phone # 1-800-436-7734
Atlantic City Electric phone # 1-800-833-7476
911 Emergency only