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Deptford Headlines


On Tuesday evening June 23, 2015 our township and surrounding area was hit by an extremely strong storm. So far there are no serious injuries to report which we are very fortunate and thankful.

There has been tremendous property damage in every neighborhood of Deptford. Trees were uprooted; branches are strewn all over and most concerning there are still wires down.

Please do not go near wires. Also make sure to call your electric company and report power outages, do not assume they know you are without power.  If you have elderly neighbors please check on them.

PLEASE be patient with storm cleanup. This was an extremely damaging event and public works did a fantastic job of getting our roads passable. They will be out in zones for the next week or however long is needed to continue cleanup.  To help you must cut branches into manageable sizes. We cannot enter private properties for cleanup. To remove large trees please call a reputable tree service and make sure they have a chipper for the debris.

Our crews will be out every day along with our emergency management personnel to monitor any issues.

The Power Companies are doing their best to get us back on and we will return to normal shortly.  For more information about power outages please click on the following links:


Atlantic City Electric -