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Deptford Headlines

5/29/2015 - The Art Galleria at Deptford Municipal Building is proud to be featuring the work of Deptford High School Students, June 2nd through September 9th

Galleria Deptford is thrilled to present the work of Deptford High School students:

Sarina Trapani, James Finch, Jordan Waskosky, Kate Damian, Andrew Solari, Christina Glinos, Jessica Hollywood, Casie Billmann, Madison Vukicevich, Kate Huang, Mackenzie Vukicevich, Zachary Meraw, Kayla Tucker, Page Busk, Emily Nuzzi, Taylor Boesenhofer, Sabrina DeRusso, Victoria Lee, Mario Napoli, as well as work by Molly Carpenter, Wolfgang Finger, Michael Thomas Benson and Cathy Matos.


We will have music by renowned strummer, Mike Plunkett at our Artist Reception on June 7, from 2 until 4. Refreshments served. Free and open to all.


Our show will open on Tuesday, June 2 and be on display until September 9 at The Deptford Municipal Building, 1011 Cooper Street, Deptford, from Monday to Friday, 8:30 until 4:30.


Come and support our artists!