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Deptford Headlines

10/27/2012 - Hurricane Sandy Preparedness

Mayor and Council, along with the Office of Emergency Management, urge all residents to prepare for Hurricane Sandy.  It is predicted that this event will bring heavy rain and winds to our area.  Power outages are likely to occur.  Low lying areas may receive flooding.


In order to protect yourself, we request that you remain indoors during the storm.  As you prepare for the storm’s arrival, we recommend that you secure all outdoor items such as lawn furniture, trash cans, barbeque grills and any other loose items. 


Also, prepare a Basic Emergency Supply Kit.  Some recommended items for the kit include:

Water – one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days to use for drinking and sanitation

Food – at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food

A battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, as well as extra batteries for both

A flashlight and extra batteries

A first aid kit



Please make your family’s safety your first priority.


Visit for additional preparation information.


Hurricane Survival Guide for New Jersey click HERE.