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Deptford Headlines

1/6/2010 - Leaf Collection to End for Season

Deptford Township's leaf collection will end for the season on January 12, 2010.

  • Please remember to keep leaves away from vehicles and not to park on leaf piles so leaf machines will have easy access to the leaves.  Leaves must be placed at the curb free of any rocks, branches, twigs, dirt, pet waste, horse manure or other debris in order for them to be vacuumed up easily and not cause damage to machines.
  • Leaves not put to the curb for pickup during this scheduled leaf pickup will have to wait until the beginning of the Spring Clean Up Program or our Yard Waste Program to be picked up.
  • Please note that our Yard Waste Pickup Program runs year-round, and that all yard waste debris such as grass, flowers, plants, small limbs, and "leaves" are required to be placed in containers (30 gallon cans) or biodegradable bags for pickup.
  • Loose leaves placed at the curb, instead of in cans, will only be collected during our scheduled leaf collection programs.


  • No plastic bags
  • No sticks or other debris
  • Place leaves at curbline