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Deptford Headlines

4/13/2021 - Deptford Wins Municipal Public Information Contest Award for Best Overall

Deptford Township is proud to announce that we received the “Best Overall Public Information Program” award in the statewide 2020 Municipal Public Information Contest organized by the Center for Government Services at Rutgers Division of Continuing Studies and run jointly with the New Jersey Municipal Management Association and New Jersey League of Municipalities.
This contest highlights the use of successful and innovative techniques that increase a government’s ability to meet citizen needs and improve access to government services. The awards also provide incentive for municipalities to develop or enhance their public information programs in order to be able to offer more innovative, responsive, and personalized services to citizens. Awards were given for three classes of towns, based on population. Deptford Township won for “Class C” towns, with populations over 20,000.
“The Township is proud to receive recognition for best overall public information to residents. Improving communications to residents is a top priority for Township Council, and this award acknowledges the vision, hard work and progress happening.” said Mayor Medany.
Residents are encouraged to get connected to the Township by following along on social media (via official pages on both Facebook @deptfordtownshipmunicipal and on Instagram @deptfordtwpnj) Make sure you are connected to what’s going on in town on the Township website,