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Deptford Events

10/7/2008 - "Pink Day" for Breast Cancer Awareness 10/24/08

From the Governing Body of

Deptford Township, New Jersey


Breast Cancer Awareness Month


WHEREAS, October 2008 is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month; and

WHEREAS, Deptford Township Mayor and Council declare this day of October 24, 2008 officially “PINK DAY” in Deptford Township; and

WHEREAS, Deptford Township Mayor and Council, Deptford School Administration, Staff, Students, family and friends come together on this day to support Susan G. Komen Foundation, an organization dedicated to a cure for breast cancer.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Deptford Township Mayor and Council hereby proclaim October 24, 2008 “PINK DAY” in Deptford Township.