Our Accomplishments
Deptford Township strives for excellence. Here are some of our most recent accomplishments.
- Reduced Crime Rate
- Debt Reduction Program
- Shared Services Agreements - County, MUA, Fire, School & Library
- New Pedestrian Walkways
- Mayor’s Wellness Campaign
- 1st Annual Toy & Food Drive
- Received Gold Safety Award of $4,250
- New Community Service Program
- Recreation Building & Concession Stand at Oak Valley & Midget Football
- Tennis Courts at Fasola Park
- New Recreation Programs
- Electronic Signs
- Neighborhood Sign Program
- Community Outreach Programs
- Demolition Oak Valley Apts.
- Trimmed workforce through attrition with no layoffs
- Replaced 7000ft of aged water mains
- CDBG Grants
- New Emeregency Management Center
- Police Department recevied accredition
- Training for all Volunteers by Rutgers
- New Landlord Registration Program
- Ongoing Municipal Maintenance Program
- New Library Renovations
- Attracting new businesses
- New Veterans Memorial Park
- Anti Litter Campaign