Household Special Waste
Click links below to view more information.
Latex and Oil Paint Disposal
Proper Disposal of Household Medication
Since 1989, Gloucester County has conducted a series of collection days where residents can drop-off their “Household Special Waste” (HSW) at a designated location. In 1996, the GCIA, in cooperation with the Board of Chosen Freeholders, expanded the number of HSW events offered from two per year at one location to five per year at two locations. In 2000, the program added three additional days, bringing the total days offered to eight at two locations. This was done in an effort to provide a more convenient HSW disposal schedule for the County residents. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, we will ony be holding four events in 2015.
Many residents wonder why the County can’t come to their homes to pick-up their HSW. Due to Federal and State regulations, the County is not permitted to make “house calls” for the pick-up of HSW. Regulations require that materials must be delivered to one of our drop-off sites in order to be disposed of through the County HSW Program.
Many residents also inquire why the county holds four annual events. Due to the costs associated with the HSW program, the present four-day schedule is the most the GCIA can offer and still remain with our budget. County residents who require HSW disposal at times other than the scheduled events are encouraged to contact the GCIA/Office of Recycling for alternate disposal methods.

LOCATION: Gloucester County Solid Waste Complex (GCSWC)
493 Monroeville Road (Rt. 694) South Harrison Township
DATES FOR THIS LOCATION: (all events 8:00 am to 2:00 pm) (RAIN OR SHINE)
September 17th
LOCATION: Gloucester County Roads Department
1200 N. Delsea Drive (Rt. 47), Clayton
DATES FOR THIS LOCATION: (all events 8:00 am to 2:00 pm) (RAIN OR SHINE)
October 29th
MATERIALS ACCEPTED: Solvents, pesticides, cleaners, kerosene, herbicide, gasoline, turpentine, varnish, fertilizers, rat poisons, auto & floor care products, weed killers, lighter fluid, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, propane tanks and gas cylinders. In addition – oil based paints, motor oil, antifreeze, fluorescent tubes, CFL Bulbs & ballasts, lead acid & ni-cad batteries will be accepted for recycling. (30 & 55 gallon containers require prior approval)
The following materials WILL NOT be accepted at any collection days: medical waste, infectious wastes, radioactive materials (including smoke detectors), explosives, and ammunition.
NO LATEX PAINT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Disposal of Latex Paint Info
NO ASBESTOS PRODUCTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. For disposal of asbestos products contact GCIA at 478-6045, ext. 25.
To the Gloucester County Solid Waste Complex (GCSWC):
Via Rt. 45: Follow Rt. 45 South through Mantua into Mullica Hill. (**) Rt. 45 South Bears off to the right toward Woodstown where Rt. 77 begins. Follow Rt. 45 South past Friends School. Continue down Rt. 45 South for 3 more miles until you reach Rt. 694. Make a right onto Rt. 694. The GCSWC is a mile down the road on the left.
Via Rt. 322: Follow Rt. 322 West into Mullica Hill to Rt. 45. Make a left onto Rt. 45 South. Follow direction above (**).
Via Kings Highway: Follow Kings Highway through East Greenwich toward Swedesboro. Continue past Kingsway High School on your right. Continue down about 1 mile until you reach Glen Echo Ave. and make a left (a red “Welcome to Swedesboro” sign is on your right and a Gas Station on is on your left.) Follow Glen Echo Ave. straight for 3 ½ miles. The GCSWC is on your right.
To the Gloucester County Roads Department:
Follow Delsea Drive (Rt. 47) South through Glassboro into Clayton. Pass Massos Catering Hall on your left. The County Roads Department is ½ mile past Massos on your right. It is in the same complex as the Gloucester County Animal Shelter and 911 Communication Center.
Household Batteries:
The most common batteries are the household types, which includes alkaline and heavy-duty varieties. They are the “AAA” through “D” and 9-volt varieties that are used to power flashlights, radios, toys and other small appliances. In recent years, manufacturers have removed the heavy metals like lead and mercury that were previously used in household batteries. NON-RECHARGEABLE HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES MAY BE PLACED IN THE REGULAR TRASH.
Button Batteries:
Button batteries are the small, round, flat batteries that are found in watches, calculators, pacemakers and hearing aids. They may also be cylindrical in shape and are labeled “mercuric oxide.” These contain high levels of metals such as mercury that can contaminate the environment if they are incinerated or landfilled. Button batteries can be dropped off at borough halls, libraries, junior and senior high schools, and many retail stores where these batteries are sold. Just look for the convenient drop-off boxes supplied by Gloucester County. Button batteries are also accepted at any of the County’s “HSW” collection days.
Rechargeable, and Ni-Cad Batteries:
Rechargeable or ni-cad batteries are used in a variety of appliances including cellular phones, camcorders, and power tools. While these batteries can be reused many times, their chemical composition requires special disposal once their useful life has been fulfilled. Rechargeable batteries contain high concentrates of mercury and other compounds which can cause a number of environmental and health concerns. Rechargeable batteries can be accepted for recycling at any retail outlet that sells them including all Circuit City and Radio Shack stores. These and other retail facilities are required by law to accept spent rechargeable batteries for recycling. Rechargeable batteries are also accepted at any of the County’s “HSW” collection days.
Automotive and other lead-acid batteries:
Automotive, marine, and motorcycle batteries contain high levels of lead. In fact, a single automotive battery may contain between 16 and 20 pounds of lead. Lead-acid batteries that are not properly disposed of may negatively impact air emissions if burned in an incinerator or contaminate groundwater if disposed of in a landfill. Fortunately, all lead-acid batteries can be recycled. These batteries are accepted for recycling at any of the County’s “HSW” collection events. Automotive and other vehicular batteries will also be accepted for recycling at any retail outlet that sells them including all ABC Auto Parts, Pep Boys, and Sears Automotive Centers in Gloucester County. It is advised that any retail store be contacted prior to delivery to determine hours of acceptance and disposal procedures for lead-acid batteries.