Yard Waste Program
Deptford Township’s yard waste program will be collected year round. Residents can place their leaves, grass clippings, sticks, twigs, and garden clippings in a container no larger than 30 gallons and which must not exceed 50lbs in weight.
- Yard waste will be picked up the day after your regularly scheduled trash collection day.
- Dirt, rocks, sod and dog waste will not be accepted in yard waste containers.
- Do not commingle yard waste with trash.
- Absolutely no plastic bags will be accepted in the Yard Waste Program. Residents may use a brown paper biodegradable bag if needed.
Grasscycling and its benefits:
- When grasscycling is properly done, clippings settle quickly between the growing blades of grass where they shelter the roots from the sun, conserving moisture. As they break down, they release more moisture as well as nutrients into the soil. This means that grass needs to be watered less frequently.
- Clippings left on the lawn supply one-third or more of the nitrogen needed to keep your grass green and healthy.
- A typical lawn of 5,000 square feet generates about 75 pounds of grass clippings per mowing. Research has shown that by mowing frequently (5-6 times per month) and not bagging those clippings can save lawn owners up to 40% of the time they spend on routine lawn care.
Simple steps for Grasscycling:
- Cut only the top 1/3 of the grass blade and LEAVE the clippings right on the lawn.
- Mow when the grass is dry to avoid tracking and clumping.
- Keep your mower blade sharp.
- No special equipment is necessary. While mulching mowers are available, and do a great job, ANY conventional mower can grasscycle, just remove the bag. (In the case of rear discharge mowers, the exhaust chute must be shut off.) Adapter kits or retro-fit kits are available for your conventional mower.
*For additional information click an Online Citizens Request Form or contact us at (856) 228-4719
Yard Waste Collection
This is the proper way to put yard waste out for collection
This is not.