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Deptford Township's Recycling Programs

Single Stream Recycling

What is single stream recycling?

Single stream (also known as fully commingled) recycling refers to a system in which all paper fibers and containers are mixed together into one container instead of being sorted into separate commodities (newspaper, cardboard, plastic, glass, etc.) by the resident and handled separately throughout the collection process. In single stream, the resident can now place all recycling material into the same container.

Material That Must Be Recycled

Corrugated Cardboard

Large cardboard boxes must be cut down or flattened in order to be placed in tote.


Newsprint (including the advertisements found in newspapers)

Mixed Paper

Mail, magazines, office and colored paper; regular and window envelopes; receipts; glossy inserts; telephone books; chipboard and paperback books; greeting cards; brown craft paper bags; and non-metallic wrapping paper

Glass Bottles & Jars

Clear, green and brown bottles and jars.  Rinse out bottles and jars and place in tote. 

Aluminum, Steel & Tin Cans

Beverage and food cans. Rinse cans and please in tote.

Plastic Containers Only

Beverage and laundry containers with #1 PETE and #2 HDPE symbols (located on the bottom or side of the container).  Rinse out containers.

Items that will NOT be recycled under this program are toys, plastic bags, bubble wrap, ovenware, ceramic and polystyrene cups and plates, styrofoam, pots and pans, baking pans, drinking glasses, mirrors, automobile windshields, light bulbs, window glass, wax coated boxes, pizza boxes, 6-pack beverage holders, flower pots, plastic bags, comforters, pillows, rugs and all other miscellaneous plastics. All these items must be placed in household trash.

Mixed Paper/Cardboard/Chipboard etc.

All Cardboard and Chipboard MUST BE RECYCLED. Large Cardboard boxes need to be broken down so that they can be collected.

Here are some examples of accepted materials: Newspaper, junk mail, office type paper, corrugated cardboard, cereal boxes, etc.

Recycling Toters Regulations: 

  • Place the Toter at curbside no earlier than 6pm the night before your scheduled pick up and no later than 6am. the day of your scheduled pickup.
  • The Toters must be placed no further than 3 feet from the edge of the street with the wheels facing your house and the front of the Toter facing the street.
  • Toters must not be placed behind cars, mailboxes, telephone poles or any obstruction that will make it difficult for the operator to pick it up.
  • These Toters are meant for recycling services only.
  • Recycling should include: Cans/ Bottles/ Plastics/ Cardboard/ Paper products.
  • Cut up large pieces of cardboard so they will fit inside the container easily.
  • Do not jam large piece of cardboard inside the Tote, this could stop the Tote from emptying when dumped into the truck.
  • Do not place inside the Toter: Trash/ Grass/ Wood/ Dirt/ Paint cans/ Hazardous chemicals Styrofoam, vinyl or any other materials that are not part of the Deptford Township’s Recycling Program.
  • All recycling must be placed inside the Toter for collection. If you have excessive amounts of cardboard you must flatten, bundle and place at the curb for Monday pickup.. Residents need to call the Public Works Department to have a work order placed for pickup. If you have any questions please call 856-228-4719 between 7:00am. - 4:00pm. 

Recycling Collection

This is the proper way to place your recycling tote out for collection.

This is not.