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Trash Collection

As of March 1, 2015 residential trash and recycling will be collected by: Gold Medal Services Inc.   

Your trash collection day has not been changed.

Curbside Collection

All household trash must be placed in a container or bag in a convenient place visible from the street for collection. Recycling Material will still be collected on your regularly scheduled trash day.

Hours and Days of Collection

Gold Medal Services Inc., will collect residential refuse and recycling material from all residential homes within the Township,  Monday through Thursday of each week. Refuse service shall be between the hours of 7:00AM and 7:00PM. It shall be the responsibility of the residents to place refuse at the proper location at or before 6:00AM on a regularly scheduled collection day.

Container: A receptacle with a capacity of up to thirty-five (35) gallons, constructed of plastic, having handles of adequate strength for lifting and a tight fitting lid. The mouth of the container shall have a diameter greater than or equal to that of the base. The weight of a container and its contents shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. A container may also be defined as a tied plastic bag, with adequate strength to support the contained waste.

Items NOT ALLOWED in Trash Pick-up: concrete, dirt, bricks, batteries, railroad ties, rocks, tires, logs, stumps, etc will not be collected by Gold Medal Services Inc. Contractor/construction debris and scrap building materials must be removed by the company performing the work. If minor repair work is completed by the resident, small amounts of materials will be collected provided it meets general guidelines regarding lengths, weights, etc;Such amounts should be cut to four (4’) feet in length tied and bundled and not exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight.

Holidays: Prior to each holiday the collection schedule will be advertised in the local paper. Your trash and recycling will be collected on the following business day.

The following shall be considered holidays:

New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,  Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

This is the proper way to place trash out for collection.

This is not.