
Township Municipal Building

1011 Cooper Street
Deptford, NJ 08096
(856) 845-5300
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Tax Collector


Welcome to the Tax Collector's Office   

The Tax Collector's office is responsible for the billing and collection of all property taxes. Your tax bill includes the funds for the County, County Open Space, School District, Fire District, Municipal, and Municipal Open Space.

The Office is staffed with a full time collector, three full time clerks. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 

To look up or pay taxes online click here.

After Hour Payments:  After hour payments can be made by placing payment in the mail box located in the Police Department lobby within the Municipal Building. Please do not leave cash payments in the mail box.           

Tax Payment Due Dates and Interest: Taxes are due and payable on the 1st day of February, May, August and November.  Deptford Township allows a ten day grace period, if payment made after the grace period, interest starts to accrue back to the 1st day of the due date month. 

Interest on late payments is calculated at a rate of 8% for the first $1500 delinquent and all amounts over are calculated at 18%.  There is a 6% year end penalty if delinquent taxes are over $10,000 as of December 31st of current year.

Tax Sale:  Tax Sale is held once a year.  If a property has prior year(s) delinquency in taxes, water, sewer or  property maintenance, the property will go to Tax Sale if not paid on or before the tax sale start time.  Properties going to tax sale will be advertised in a local paper, four consecutive weeks before tax sale date and posted in five places within the Township of Deptford.

Deductions On Property Tax And Water/Sewer:   A $250 deduction is available on property taxes for any qualifying Senior, Disabled Person, Surviving Spouse of Senior or Disabled Person,  Veteran and Widow of Veteran.   Applications are available in the Tax Collection Office or Gloucester County Tax Assessor’s Office.   For further details on qualifications please contact the Gloucester County Tax Assessor’s Office at (856) 307-6445.

To receive a deduction on your water/sewer, you must qualify for the deduction on your taxes.  For further information on water/sewer deductions, please call the Deptford Township Municipal Utilities Authority at (856) 415-1111.


Contact Information

Diane Kusmanick, Tax Collector

Phone: (856) 845-5300 Ext. 2255
(856) 845-2039