
Township Municipal Building

1011 Cooper Street
Deptford, NJ 08096
(856) 845-5300
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM-4:30 PM

Pool Permit Procedure

The complete construction permit application consists of:

* Construction Permit Jacket (completed) which includes:

* Zoning Approval (Please allow 5-10 working days for zoning approval.)

Building Subcode Technical Section

* Electrical Subcode Technical Section
Homeowner may do the electrical work, if he/she is the primary resident.
If an electrical contractor is doing the work, they must sign and seal the permit 

Plans Required:

Above Ground Pool Plans consists of Pool Brochure and Filter Brochure

In-ground Pool Plans consists of 2 sets of Architecturally or Engineered Sealed 
Plans and Filter Brochure

Once completed applications and plans are submitted, please allow 10-14 working days for the permit to be issued!

Inspections & Information

If you have any questions, or would like to schedule inspections, you may call:
(856) 686-2223

A 24-hour notice is needed WHEN scheduling inspections. Call the preceding day for the requested inspection.

Note: You must schedule and pass ALL Final Inspections prior to pool usage!