Meet Deputy Mayor Tom Hufnell

Deputy Mayor Hufnell has proudly been a Deptford resident for over 50 years. Tom is a 1974 graduate of Deptford High School, where he played Deptford Spartan Football from 1973 to1974. Tom is a 30-year Teamster in Local 830.
Tom has remained active in the community through many memberships. He was a 2002 & 2003 Deptford Zoning Board Member and currently holds the following memberships: Member of the Deptford Executive Board, District 4 and a Deptford Democrat Committeeman. Tom has long been committed to the youth and sports organizations in Deptford Township. He is a 13-year President of Deptford Midget Football and a 15-year Coach at Deptford Little League, a Board Member of the Deptford Recreation Committee and a Board Member of the Sports Code of Conduct. Deputy Mayor Hufnell is also an active member of Deptford Elks Lodge 2708. In 2004, he was presented with the Elks Distinguished Citizen Award.
If you have a question or concern, residents may complete an Online Citizens Request Form to submit a formal complaint about any municipal service or program, or to inform the Township about the need for improvements in their neighborhood area, such as road or sidewalk repairs, street lighting, litter, etc.
Contact Tom Hufnell , DEPUTY MAYOR - email